this is fantastic, love how the light shines through the water
this is fantastic, love how the light shines through the water
Thanks, you do great work to
Great piece with set dressing and textures.
But I think the values could need some more work. Im guessing the robot is meant to be an important part of the scene but now it very much blends in with the background when taking a quick glance at the picture.
An idea could be to play more with the light shining in through the window to compose the image in such a way that the robot pops in the image.
Yes thanks for your suggestion
If it is reduced, the position of the robot does not protrude. This is my shortcoming.
Maybe I should put more air or something behind it
Anyway, thank you very much for your valuable suggestions
I'm very much obliged to you
Next time I will pay attention
wow great work! This world seems really mystical
Thanks! your art is pretty incredible too!
I really like the colors in this! Really vivid
astonishing work! so many details to look at, its like a little adventure
Thank you very much, Arja! Glad you like it.
wow great stuff! and it goes on so long, what a treat
I had this idea for a long while. I'm glad it turned out to be fun to watch!
I love the lighting in this!
Thank you so much Arja^^
Great as usual!
much appreciated :)
This is a great design! Love it! Great arrangement of details and simpler areas! Its kind of simple in turns of epicness but still manages to look mysterious and cool. The clothing also makes sense with how its structured with the belts and straps keeping it together.
Thank you, that's exactly the feeling i was going for, i'm glad it came across!
That is such a brilliant design!
Thanks man!