Love the detail in this, was this whole piece done with a soft brush?
Love the detail in this, was this whole piece done with a soft brush?
thank you <3
no,the soft brush was used for the skin (face in general) and some parts of her neck-clothing. I used 2 brushes: comon soft brush and a hard brush with transfer enabled to block out stuff ^^
Good choice of color! But he kind of looks a bit sinister :O
I guess that's because I couldn't fit the white on his eyes. Maybe?
Nice choice of pose! Maybe do a darksouls one? Or Half life?
Gordon would look great :D
Good job making the character recognizable even tho it is so small.
Thank you! I'll be doing a series of this 22x22 sprites. Stay tunned!
This is brilliant! Putting Rick and Morty in a more creepy/dark mood fits perfectly well in contrast to its usual quirkiness. Could have been refined a bit more tho, but gets the joke across.
My favorite episode is when they watch ball-fondlers!
Great choice! I love all those little bits they show on tv. I think a lot of them where improvised on the spot by the voice actors and then the animators just went with it.
These sketches are pretty cool! Especially the one with the violion guy (60). For being 19 years old I dont think you can complain about your skillssszzz iunno. I dont see that many people at your age which is this good. (just sayyin) (If you do know of any please tell, ((i am curious))
Top hat guy (21) is also pretty cool. WELL THIS GIRL IS FUCKING 16
This is good art, but dont do reuploads. Instead you could just edit the submission and update it by replacing the picture.
I didn't realize that at the time, and i won't do it again. Besides, i wasn't sure whether i wanted the high-contrast or normal one to represent the finished thing.
Lol, didnt know you knew about him. The whole facebook concept art community was posting fanart of him all the time.
It's so popular because it's true and all the artists know about it. It's like a really solid joke, that's kinda sad because it's true, but also sticks around because it relates to so many people.
This is tasty! You would be an amazing cover album artist. I really like the puffy paintishy style you've got going on. You listen to Tame Impala?
I would love to do an album cover! I can't be bothered to learn to play an instrument but I love music so much, contributing to music in any way I'm able would be a happy situation. I don't listen to Tame Impala. I feel like I've heard of them. I'll look them up right now. Thanks for your words!
Your painting skills have drastically improved since I last saw a painting of yours.
Thanks, sometimes I guess it's practice that makes me better. What was the last painting you saw with wich you compare it to?