Are you on the speedpaint group on facebook? Id like to see what you could come up with in 30 minutes.
Are you on the speedpaint group on facebook? Id like to see what you could come up with in 30 minutes.
There are so many now-a-days. I was in the Spitpaint group for a while until I got way too big. I work slowly though. Probably would get something going in 29 mins and then spend the last min erasing and starting over, ha ha ha.
Generic comment is generic.. Insta follow, this piece is great!
Thank you =^.^=
Damn amazing!!
thank a lot
Daym this looks cool!
And you are 16?? Damndamndamn you`re good man,,,
whoops.. im 17 my finger must've slipped. thanks btw!!
Looks amazing! Will you ever do any tutorials on shading and such?
Mabey someday ill post a step by step thing or maybe a video im not sure but ill figure something out.
Ahh nice looking dude, i didnt know you were spitpainting ;)
The head looks odd, i dunno if it is to big or if the angle of the head is just messin with mah head.
haha god dammit, EVERY one is saying that. it is actually bigger than normal, but if it's as obvious as everyone says, I gotta change it now, hahaha!
Your entry would have deserved to win.
heh, aww thanks. I guess it wasn't up their alley. :P
Great art, i would love to be in a boos battle with him!!