Everything you make is amazing!
Everything you make is amazing!
Fits well with waterflame's song called Space pirates
The dramatic setting makes it so much funnier.
Sometimes when i wake up, i just feel like i am about to dissolve.
Damn that is a nice song, btw the drawing is good too!
I think you should have drawn the child with a more fitting style, but otherwise good!
One of the hardets bosses in the game, you really put the feeling of fighting it in this piece!
Love it! It really looks cool how you just erased away his skin :D
If i want to draw like this do you reccomend drawing with pencil and marker and then color it digitally? Or is it just as easy to get this type of style by using a pc?
personally i like to do my work traditionally but receiving a particular style consists of development. but really try all of them and see which YOU enjoy most, just experiment and see what results you get out of it!